Why Does the United States of America Celebrate Native American Day / Month?
It is a farce that the United States has the audacity to celebrate Native American Day and Month when it is still enacting genocidal practices against Native Americans.
How can the United States even pretend to care about Native Americans when it continues to discriminate against millions of Original Nations People by refusing to Recognize their Tribes and provide services for them? The United States has no honor or dignity when dealing with Original Nations People. How can the United States celebrate Native American Month as still refuse to Recognize Tribes which existed in the archaeological record between 1000 to 2000 years before the founding of the United States?
An Example is The Chickamauga Nation. It has signed more than 22 Treaties with the United States, is under the Jurisdiction of the United States, has been defined as Federally Recognized in Federal Law in 1934 and 1968, as well as numerous Supreme Court Cases, including Carcieri v Salazar (2009) and McGirt v Oklahoma (2020).
The United States is continuing its refusal to honor its fiduciary obligations to The Chickamauga Nation. The Secretary of Interior by refusing to follow the 1994 Law which states the Secretary shall keep an ACCURATE list of Federally Recognized Tribes is continuing ethnic cleansing by refusing to provide medical care, housing, educational security, agricultural security, physical protection, tribal sovereignty, financial sovereignty, economic opportunity, self-determination, religious rights, and civil rights among others.
Do not wish a Chickamauga Happy Native American Month, because it is a disgraceful slap in the face to them.
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.