What sacred covenant gave you the right to commit irreparable harm to the Indigenous?
What makes you think the common practice of using genetic warfare changing the mitochondrial structure of cells without corroborating proof ethnic cleansing will improve the genetic quality of the human population?
Mendel’s Law of Dominance states offspring will only inherit dominant traits. This hypo-descent offspring will be looked upon as subordinate or inferior. This brings to question why was Jennie Lind Crocker killed Nov. 27, 1868 at the Washita? Was she inferior because of her ½ blood status? Was she not as genetically appealing as Monahsetah, Lt. Col. Custer’s sex slave?
The Cherokee traders killed Nov. 27, 1868 must have been of inferior stock. Were they offspring of a hormonal goddess of the forest and a father swayed by irresponsible despotic discretion?
Dominant society has groomed you to believe it is patriotic to kill the Indigenous by claiming the Doctrine of Discovery. You are not the first contact! The Declaration of Independence points out merciless, savage Indians. Who informed you of corn, tobacco, pumpkins, tomatoes and a government with a congress? You will not like the answer: miscegenated offspring of an inferior people. Dr. G. W. Hunter states in his book, A Civic Biology, in the chapter “The Race of Man” proclaims “whites are dominants” on page 186.
As Gov. Phil Sheridan about how he wanted to destroy all villages and ponies, to kill all warriors, and bring back all women (as they winter well). Ask Custer and his staff how that went.
Let’s discuss the Constitution’s 2nd Amendment. On June 20, 1836, the War Dept. records Lewis Cass to Gen. John E. Wool to disarm the Indians. Are you surprised? On Aug. 16, 1836, Gen. Wool stated that he permitted them (the Indians) to return home with orders that they should require their young men to bring their arms… About 100 arms have been surrendered.
On Dec. 29, 1890, the US Army demanded all the Sioux to surrender their arms at this violation of the Constitution. Three hundred were killed at Wounded Knee. The first person shot was an inferior deaf man who didn’t hear the command. The day after the battle, Gen. L. W. Colbey bought a trophy Indian girl for $50. At the same time, Oglala’s boarding school children were held hostage.
In 1872, Col. Ranald Mackenzie, at the Battle of North Fork, TX, used 130 women and children as human shields.
Let’s talk about the religious crime code of 1883 where Indian dance and religion were outlawed. The Indian Freedom of Religion Act NOW only applies to those on the Serviced Tribes list. For all others, it is still a felony to be traditional, federally recognized or not.
It all started earlier in the North Carolina Assembly, 1782, when an army was called with instruction to kill all Indian males and the females were to be captured for exchange (sold for sex slaves) and the supplies were to be divided among the participating soldiers. This memo got around!
Oh the audacity! In 1797, the TN state legislature pushed for removal of Indians and in 1818, the legislatures of TN, NC, and GA also protested that the federal government had to right to grant reserves and citizenship to Indians within their state boundaries. It was more fun to kill the men and sell the women. Most of the men that are claiming a sacred covenant are actually untortured men of the wilderness with country wives. Kit Carson, William Bent, John Sevier, Isaac Thomas, and a host of heroes have defiled Indigenous women and children. The U. S. Grant and Little Coyote Brides for Indian program did not work. Ask the Cheyenne, they did not winter well.
In June of 1793, Thomas Jefferson wrote to Henry Knox to use the Indians against other Indians. The same Henry Knox who stated that the Chickamauga were seeds of evil. The Federal Recognized seeds of evil on the Service Tribes List – wow. The same seeds of evil that Little Turkey said to extract revenge on and informed the militia just where the villages were. So it seems it is evil to protect one’s children and adhere to the treaties…
So if you can’t kill them, join them. The Cherokee Senator, James Jay Sevier, represented the Canadian District in OK in 1903.
The Cherokee Nation ratified the July 1, 1902 Act of Congress, which stated in section 26 that no children born after this date shall be enrolled, receive annuities, or participate in a distribution of the property of the Cherokee Nation. The date of Action was Aug. 7, 1902.
Chief William Charles Rogers, on Nov. 9, 1904 at Tahlequah, OK stated to the Cherokee National Council, “A crisis in our affaires is at hand. The Government which our forefathers choose and loved and labored so hard to perfect has been sentenced to die. The scepter must soon pass to other hands, still we must force back resentment we feel and accept the conditions as they are.” With that speech, the Cherokee Nation Council ceased to exist, accepting their own self termination.
With this being ratified by Congress April 26, 1906, [34 Stat, 137], the Cherokee Nation ceased to exist as a distinct political entity.
On June 30, 1914, the BIA granted the tribal REQUEST of the disolution of the Cherokee tribe of Indians. Their own request! So why are the Cherokee not giving Tahlequah back to the Natchez, ethnically cleansing themselves? Thank Emmitt Starr for that info. Did you not get the memo? Other Indians are supposed to do that. Just like Vice President Curtis, a Kaw Indian (the same people who scouted for Custer at the Washita).
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.