What is the Difference Between Ignorance, Willful Ignorance, Stupidity, and Outright Academic Fraud?
Ignorance is the lack of knowledge about a specific item or topic. Typically, a person is uneducated about a specific item or topic.
Willful Ignorance is the intentional refusal to have knowledge about a specific item or topic. Typically, the person intentionally refuses education about a specific item or topic to keep from having to change their preconceived notions about an item or topic.
Stupidity is the intentional or otherwise irrational refusal to accept incontrovertible facts which are backed up by irrefutable evidence. Typically, the person cannot allow their worldview or knowledge base to be altered in any way by facts and evidence which conflicts with their preconceived view of life.
Outright Academic Fraud is the intentional and manipulative use of false or opposite reality to manipulate those suffering from the mental delusion of “willfully ignorant” and “stupidity” with clearly refutable facts and evidence for the sole purpose of supporting an illegitimate agenda which is clearly fraudulent and absent of incontrovertible facts and irrefutable evidence. Typically, the person or group of people intentionally set out to defraud anyone and everyone suffering from the mental delusion of being “willfully ignorant” or “stupidity” for the sole purpose of using fraudulent information to manipulate the delusional to gain or attain power and wealth.
In 2019, the United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs requested a group of savvy, academically trained researchers to uncover the hidden truths about the History of the Chickamauga. We now have academically irrefutable facts and incontrovertible evidence that demonstrates one of the greatest academic frauds ever committed against the United States and the United States Taxpayers.
In an unwittingly, feeble attempt to discourage The Chickamauga Nation from seeking placement on the List of Federally Recognized Tribes, the Senate Committee has encouraged the Chickamauga Nation unleash a proverbial “whirlwind to reap” which will change the understanding of History in the American Southeast from 1730 to 1845.
We are Fighting for the TRUTH about Chickamauga History
Gotta Love the Spirit Guide in "Reservation Dogs"