We want to thank the Army Corp of Engineers for formally Recognizing the Chickamauga in TENNESSEE, Too.
With this additional recognition we now hold Federal Recognition through the Legislative Branch through the United States Senate and House of Representatives through 20 Treaties and annuities paid to the Chickamauga from 1785 - 1840 and the Annals of Congress. Additionally, the Legislative Acts requesting books to be published in which the Chickamauga are included. Federal Recognition of the Chickamauga through the Executive Branch is provided by George Washington in his 4th Annual Address to Congress, Thomas Jefferson's Land Trade Treaty with the Chickamauga in 1809, The Presidential Papers, the Founders online, the State Department Papers, the War Department Records and Army Corp of Engineers. Then there are the State Colonial Papers of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia along with the Territorial Papers of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Because the Congress and the Secretary of Interior has failed to place us on the LIST, are they claiming the War Department Records are all illegitimate and lies?
By failing to place the Chickamauga Nation on the LIST, is the Congress and the Secretary of Interior claiming the George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are both illegitimate and liars?
By failing to place the Chickamauga Nation on the LIST, is the Congress and the Secretary of Interior claiming the Founding Fathers Online Papers are all illegitimate and lies?
By failing to place the Chickamauga Nation on the LIST, is the Congress and the Secretary of Interior claiming the 20 Treaties approved by the Congress are all illegitimate and lies?
By failing to place the Chickamauga Nation on the LIST, is the Congress and the Secretary of Interior claiming the State Department Papers on Indian Affairs are all illegitimate and lies?
By failing to place the Chickamauga Nation on the LIST, is the Congress and the Secretary of Interior claiming the Colonial Papers of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia are all illegitimate and lies?
By failing to place the Chickamauga Nation on the LIST, is the Congress and the Secretary of Interior claiming the Territorial Papers of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas are all illegitimate and lies?
By failing to place the Chickamauga Nation on the LIST, is the Congress and the Secretary of Interior claiming the Annals of Congress of the United States are all illegitimate and lies?
Are all of America’s Sacred Documents from the National Archives all illegitimate and lies or are the Chickamauga Federally Recognized throughout the National Archives?
Congress and Secretary of Interior, honor your treaties with the Chickamauga and place them on the LIST!
Enjoy reading the latest Federal Recognition of The Chickamauga Nation by the Army Corp of Engineers which is a branch of the Defense Department.

(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.