Today in Chickamauga History - November 29
1785, November 29: Treaty with the Cherokee Indians conducted at Hopewell, South Carolina, on the Keowee 1785 - author note: Benjamin Hawkins; Andrew Pickens; Joseph Martin; Lachlan McIntosh; Koatohee, or corn Tassel of Toquo; Scholauetta, or Hanging man of Chota;
Tuskegatahu, or long fellow of Christohoe; Oskwha, or Abraham of Chilkowa; Kolaskusta, or Prince of North; Newota, or the Gritzs of Chicamaga; Konatola, or the Rising fawn of Highwassay; Tuckasee, or Young Tarrapin of Allajoy; Toostaka, or the Waker of Oostanwa; Untoola, or Gun Rod of Seteco; Unsuoakanail, Buffaloe White Calf New Cussee; Koastayeak, or sharp Fellow Wataga; Chonosta, of Cowe; Chescoonwha, Bird in Close of Tomotlug; Tuckasee, or Tarrapin of Hightown; Chisetoa, or the Rabbit of Tlacoa; Chesicotetona, or Yellow Bird of the Bine Log; Sketaloska, Second Man of Tilleca; Chokasatake, Chickasaw Killer Tasonta; Onanoota, of Koosoatee; Ookoseta, or sower Mush of Kooloque; Umatooetha, the water Hunter, Choikamawga; Wyuka, of Lookout Mountain; Tulco, or Tom of Chatuga; Will, of Sawta; Amokontakono, Kutcloa; Kawetatakee, in Frog Town; Keukuck, Talcioa; Tulatiska, of Chaway; Wooaluka, the Way layer, Chota; Tatldusta, or Porpoise of Tilassi; John, of Little Tallico; Skelilak; Akonoluchta, the Cabin; Chenanoka, of Kawetakac; Yellow Bird. -
1790, November 29: Letter to George Washington from Governor Beverley Randolph - The Chicamoggas a Branch of the Cherokee Tribe are situated not more than 100 miles from a part of the Frontier of Russel. The upper or old Cherokee Towns are about the same distance—The young men from these Towns allured by the benefits which they observe the Chicamoggas to receive from their predatory War upon these people frequently unite themselves with them or perpetrate their depredations under their name. -
1841, November 29: Judge Andrew ROSS aka TLO-S-TA-MA (brother of John ROSS) was murdered on this date. Andrew ROSS was one of the original signers of the Treaty of Echota. I could find no information regarding the specifics of his death.