Today in Chickamauga History - February 28
1799, February 28: Seeks Instruction for Charges to Silas Dinsmore, Cherokee Nation - Reports that in December 1797, 7 kegs of sundry stores for Silas Dinsmore, agent to Cherokee Nation, sent by public store through David Henley in Knoxville. Dinsmore received the shipment but no invoice, so his account has not been credited. Requests direction on how to charge stores for public account. -
1800, February 28: Settlement for Deputy Agent to the Cherokee - Letter from Secretary James McHenry to William Simmons, War Department Accountant. Silas Dunmore, late deputy agent to the Cherokee Nation, is to be settled with for the necessary expences which he incurred in the discharge of his trusts as Deputy Agent from June 1794 to February 1799. -