Today in Chickamauga History - February 15
1790, February 15: [Diary entry: 15 February 1790] - The other letter from Genl. Martin encloses the report of a Comee. of the Assembly of No. Carolina, which had been appointed to examine into a corrispondance between him and Mr. McGillivray, by which he stands acquitted of any intention to injure the U. States or any of them. Enforms him that from tolerable good information he has just heard that the Chicasaw Nation had made a stroke at the Chicamages Indians & were driving all before them—That several women & Children of the latter had run into the Inhabitants of little river for Refuge—That he shall set out for that County in a few days and as soon as the particulars can be known will give information of them. Wishes to know whether Congress approves of this War or not—thinks he can easily stop it if it does not meet their approbation—But adds their wars with one another may be the means of Peace to our frontiers—requests a hint on the subject by way of Richmond, directed to the care of the Postmaster there.
1793, February 15: Chiccamagas Desire for Peace - Indians desire peace, Governor Blount to call general council to discuss terms. - Notable Person/Group: John Watts, Chiccamagas -
1799, February 15: US Flag for the Cherokee Nation - Letter directs that a US flag be given to the Cherokee Nation. -
1782, February 15: Letter from Governor Thomas Burke to Governor John Rutledge of South Carolina - I have just held a Council at this place and we have laid the best foundation which our powers will admit of for Supplying the Army. My Industry and attention shall be Unremittingly directed to that object. The Council would not take upon them to advise an Expedition against the Chickamaga Indians, but referred it to the Assembly who are to meet at Hillsborough on the 2d of April. I had already given Orders to prepare for such an Expedition, and I shall not Countermand them lest loss of time and derangement should be the Consequence.