Today in Chickamauga History - December 27
1796, December 27: Response to Cherokee John Watts' Concerns Over Boundaries, Etc. - McHenry speaks on behalf of the president, who says he is pleased by the Indians' inclinations toward peace. Notes he is sending Silas Dinsmoor, an Indian agent, to live among them. Says that the prosecution of white killers of Indians will be undertaken, though the Indians should take care to avoid such occurrences of violence. States that if Indians steal from whites, the value of the stolen items will be deducted from their annuities [yearly gifts]; likewise, if whites steal from the Indians, the value of the goods will be added onto the annuities, that no violence will occur between the races. Announces that Benjamin Hawkins & Gen. Andrew Pickens have been appointed to run the boundary, and will commence doing so on April 1. - Notable Person/Group: Colonel John Watts, Cherokee Nation, Chiefs and Warriors – Notable Location: Cherokee Land – Notable Phrase 1: To Col. John Watts, and the other Chiefs and Warriors of the Cherokee Nation. Your father the president has heard the Talks of Col. John Watts, delivered to his Secretary of War, and is much pleased with it. The greatest security for preserving preserving peace between Nations is their performing their promises to each other; and when any thing happens that might lead to War, to let their wise men meet together to settle it by a friendly conference with each other. – Notable Phrase 2: That the peace which exists between the United States and Cherokees may never be disturbed, your father is determined to perform all the promises he has made the Nation, and kindly has sent one of his beloved men, Mr. Dinsmoor, to live in it; to be always at hand to hear your complaints; to settle differences where he can, and to refer those he cannot settle, and which the laws do not reach, to your father for his opinion and advice. – Notable phrase 3: Thus the treaty secures to each Indian nation their land against purchases of Individuals, whilst the laws of the United States have in addition to that treaty, provided a punishment for persons who shall attempt to buy it contrary thereto. -
1837, December 27: B. B. CANNON’s party arrives in the Cherokee Nation West (Chickamauga) with 18 people having died along the way.