Today in Chickamauga History - April 9
1758, April 9: From George Washington to John Blair - “I got here on the 7th of Apriel, in the way I join’d a Party of fifty six Indians & brought them with me. I found on my arrival many of the Cherokees had gone out of the Lower Towns to Virginia in small Parties to the amount of two hundred & fifty, & I am credibly informed one hundred & fifty more are gone there from Over the Hills. -
1793, April 9: Cherokee Representation to Philadelphia - Blount believes that the Cherokee Nation would be willing to send a represenation to Philadelphia to confer with the President but they are hesitant to do so while it appears the Creeks are making war, with the aid of young Cherokee warriors, on the Cumberland settlements . - Notable Person/Group: Watts – Notable Phrase: ...the Chiefs will not think it safe or prudent, however much they wish peace, to leave their nation, their houses and their families while they know the Creeks are daily passing through their country to and from war and while they know that a great number of the junior part of their own nation will join them in the war -
1865, April 9: Robert E. LEE surrenders to U. S. GRANT at Appomattox Courthouse.