The President, Senators, and Representatives should strive to live bigger than life. They should strive to tell the truth, never lie, refuse to do injustice, and honor the treaties the United States made with Indians no matter the cost. The citizens of the United States follow the example of the President, Senators, and Representatives and reflect the morals and standards of the elected.
One never has to wonder about the morals of the citizenry of a country because it will directly reflect that of the elected leaders. When the rights of the “least” are trampled on by the elected, then the upper class and middle class will follow suit because they will reflect the morals of their leaders. Lying, stealing, and killing by the citizens of a country is a direct reflection on the behaviors of those who have been elected to hold office.
If it is okay for the leaders of a country to lie, steal, and kill then why is it not okay for the citizenry to do the same? If the citizens see the President, Senators, and Representatives lie to the Indians, steal the lands of the Indians, and kill the Indians for wanting to keep what belonged to them for centuries, then why should the citizens not act any different toward each other and those who are weaker than they are in society?
Here is the indictment I must ask every President, Senator, and Representative for now on,
1. “If you call yourself a Christian, then how can you continue to commit the crimes of lying, stealing, and killing of the Chickamauga?”
2. “If you call yourself a Christian, how can you not make right over 250 years of genocidal practices against the Chickamauga?”
3. “Will you please stop calling yourself a Christian until you PUBLICALLY confess and repent for your role in the ethnic cleansing of the Chickamauga?”
Can you imagine a country when the President, Senators, and Representatives actually worked to correct injustices? Can you imagine a country when the President, Senators, and Representatives actually cared more about the citizens of their country than their own political power? Can you imagine a country when the President, Senators, and Representatives lived lives that with moral standards so high, that the country would become better as a result of their example?
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.