The Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of The Chickamauga Nation Series Volume 3
This series is part of a 5 Volume Set of books produced UNDER ADVISEMENT for the perusal of federal judges and their clerks, 535 federally elected officials and their staff, University Academic Departments, and the Citizens of TCN (The Chickamauga Nation). The 5 Volume Set includes: Volume 1 The History of The Chickamauga Nation; Volume 2 The True History of the Cherokee; Volume 3 The Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of The Chickamauga Nation; Volume 4 The Legislative Acts Affecting The Chickamauga Nation; Volume 5 The Judicial Acts Affecting The Chickamauga Nation.
The vast majority of the documented research which fills these roughly 4,000 pages comes verbatim from the National Archives of the United States, Catholic Church Records, Moravian Church Records, various Church Missionary Journals, Colonial and State Papers, the United Nations, Archaeological Dig Reports, Doctoral Thesis and Research Papers form dozens of Universities, Master Thesis and Research Papers from dozens of Universities, State and Local government archaeological digs and surveys, Native American Confederacies Documents, Foreign Archives from England, France, Spain, and Mexico, and the 22 Treaties with the United States, more than 15 Treaties with England and her Colonies, 3 Treaties with Spain, 3 Treaties with Mexico, 3 Treaties with the Republic of Texas, and included in 1 Treaty with France.
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.