The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System
The creation, research and development, and infrastructure to create this Digital Education System is quite extensive and expensive. The transition from a paper copy of our conceptual daily lesson plan to a fully implemented interactive, digital, lesson plan is amazingly complicated.
The Four Dimensions © of The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System is based on the philosophy and methodology of: 1) Education is Experiential. Experiential lessons mentally take the learner from their chair to place them into the lesson. 2) Education is Psyche not Psycho. Psyche is the innermost self (soul) while psycho is the chemical, stimuli induced, and physiological reactions within the brain. Transformation centered in the psyche will lead to distinguishable changes in the psycho. 3) Education is Universal. True education works with all people groups in all languages in all societies and with all economic and educational backgrounds. 4) Education is Aspirational. Education is aspirational in the ultimate since because it can never be completely actualized within the life of the teacher or learner.
Before a student ever sees a lesson, our Standards are categorized into each of our CORE4 and CORE4+5© Subject Areas. Next, our Scope and Sequence is applied. Followed by aligning our proprietary Cognitive States of Development ©. Then our proprietary Learning Styles © and Recall Styles © are assigned. That is when we bring in the MDs and PhDs to determine if the lesson has pushed the cognitive development of each student to their maximum potential for each lesson.
Then the magic happens behind the walls that no one ever gets to see except for the employees of CastMaster Education. Each lesson is taken into the inter-sanctum of CastMaster Education Production and Publication Studios to be transformed into something never before seen in education. The 30 – 66 months process for each lesson employees approximately 4,000– 5,000 people working 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
When each lesson has completed rough production, a test group of MDs, PhDs, Parents, Educators, Students, and IT People will work with each lesson as it is presented. It receives Quality and Assurance feedback and is returned to be completely reworked or forwarded for the next phase of completion where the process is repeated three times.
At the same time daily lesson assessments are being created along with weekly assessments, two-week assessments, and Level assessments. We monitor well over 200 data points per minute as the student is working on their lesson. If at any point the students is surpassing the Matrix Criteria, the student is advanced through the lessons at a quicker pace. If a student is not attaining the required Matrix Criteria, the student is remediated until they have attained the retention and recall necessary to advance from the lesson. We can even control pace in real time as the student is working on the lesson.
We teach students where they are cognitively in each subject area, we do not limit them by their age. The first week of school, the student goes through a number of placement tests to align the student with our curriculum to place them at the appropriate level in our curriculum for their maximum potential. In any education setting a seven (7) year old student may be studying a MATH lesson at grade 4.6, a SCIENCE lesson at grade 3.2, an English Language Arts lesson at 5.8, and a SOCIAL STUDIES lesson at grade 2.4. While that may be where they start, our proprietary system will allow them to excel beyond their wildest dreams in every lesson because of how the lesson is designed specifically for their individual Learning Styles © and Memory Recall Styles ©.
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.