“Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.”
John W. Gardner
The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System is based on a Traditional, Western, Liberal Arts education which is the blending of the Greek Socratic Method, Hebrew teaching method, and Indigenous American teaching method. We intend to graduate the greatest thinkers for seven (7) generations into the future.
The current model of education used in the United States is a 15th Century model in which a teacher imparts the exact same knowledge to same age graded students through lecture and note-taking from books printed on paper with ink or the same books digitized for a screen. The model creates a predicament because today’s students are the second and third generations of the digital age. Their world revolves around their personalized digital universe, and they have few if any emotional or physical ties beyond their computer and phone. Their lives revolve around their digital universe and will experience transformative education solely within that universe.
The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System is changing the world of education. We present a 21st Century model of a digital teacher teaching adaptive, personalized lessons to individual students catering to their personal learning strengths. Our real-time analytics powers our ability to create an adaptive, personalized education. We adapt every lesson using real time analytics as we monitor the students’ interaction with the curriculum, allowing the students to achieve their greatest academic potential.
We have designed an educational system where each student experiences education in a way that is designed specifically for them. We use scientifically studied processes and procedures established through meta-analysis which have demonstrated higher test scores for all age students, all social-economic backgrounds, and all racial backgrounds. Students experience fast-paced, personalized, interactive, education using historically proven, data-driven principles, philosophies, and methodologies to teach each student how to think for themselves.
Our revolutionary and disruptive commitment to anytime,anywhere, any device allows the student to be in complete control of their own education. Our lessons allow the student to have direct impact on the way the lesson is taught in real-time. Students interact with and create their own personalized coursework to meet their own desires. By manipulating their own coursework as the lesson is being taught and personalizing it to meet their own desires, we allow the student to have control of how they are taught.
We live in a time when brilliant thinkers are more sought after than at any time in our nation’s history. A highly educated electorate is necessary for this country to survive. Only education founded upon the ideals of individual rights, liberties, and responsibility will produce the informed citizen our forefathers envisioned.
We have a vision for our students to become the thinkers, innovators, problem solvers, world changers this country so desperately needs. We have a vision where we are educating students to their greatest potential. We have a vision where our students become the leaders of their families, their communities, education, finance, industry, medicine and politics. We use the latest scientific research in the fields of neurosciences, cognitive development and ability, psychology, and educational best practices to design, develop and produce our fast-paced, interactive format curriculum. Our students develop the capability of confronting any problem presented to them during their life and able to critically analyze and determine a positive response and approach to overcoming that problem or obstacle.
We believe every student deserves an excellent education and should not be damned into poverty because they lacked access. The poorest of the poor, even on reservations can now have access to high quality, life changing education because The Chickamauga Nation decided to make a difference. We know we can change the life of the student for generations into the future, but what about their current condition? We believe for our students to succeed; their families need to succeed as well. That is why when a student is enrolls in CastMaster Education everyone in the household without a high school diploma are also enrolled as a student.
The creator of The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System, Chief Jimmie W. Kersh, grew up as an at-risk student in an at-risk family. He created The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System to be the tool that allows at-risk students and their families the opportunity to change their family tree forever. Research demonstrates the at-risk student has the most to gain from our curriculum. Our system is engineered to increase knowledge, test scores, high school & college graduation rates and strengthen Indigenous American's competitiveness in the global marketplace. Now every student has a chance to enjoy the liberties and freedoms promised to us for centuries.

- The idea for the company was developed in the fall of 2011 when Chief Jimmie was enrolled in an educational statistics class. The more he studied and researched the more information he found that there were certain ideas when analysis was applied, would produce statistically significant increases in test scores for students. Chief Jimmie took this research and developed an English Language Arts curriculum and a Social Studies curriculum that when using meta-research techniques demonstrated the ability to provide statistically significant increases in test scores for students.
- In the spring of 2012, Chief Jimmie began formulating the general vision and how The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System would function. It was during this period that the prescriptive qualities of The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System became so important. While substitute teaching in a public-school setting, Chief Jimmie worked with special education for a number of days in numerous schools. He quickly realized that all of the original ideas of testing and level placement and the prescriptive process would work very well with special educations Individual Education Plans (IEP’s).
- Chief Jimmie believed that providing every student with a prescriptive plan to graduate was important for each student and their family. By providing four different graduation levels, The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System meets the academic needs of every student. These various levels allow the student and their family to best determine the classwork and levels of work each student will strive to attain. By providing such a wide variety of graduation levels, The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System can prescribe in detail the exact classes and the exact path for each student to travel to be successful in their pursuit of graduation.
- Prescriptive placement and varying levels for graduation immediately transformed the original homeschool and private school concept into a full-blown educational concept attainable in any educational setting. We are capable of meeting the needs of any student in any setting and providing them with the tools for successful completion of their academic desires and dreams. Our digital curriculum, textbooks, libraries, lessons and teachers are fully integrated using traditional, classical, Western, liberal arts educational solutions where the analogue world meets the digital age.
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.