Revolutionary / Disruptive Education Begins Here
We are raising up thinkers for the future of our people.
The Chickamauga Nation's CastMaster Education System uses intentionality to bring about its revolutionary disruption of government education by returning absolute control back to the parents. The historical foundation of education has been parental oversight and control. No government has the authority to usurp the God given rights of parents to control the philosophies, morals, and ethics their child is taught. We know liberty and freedom resonate from an education where the student is taught to think for themselves, not from being indoctrinated with how or what to think.
The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System uses scientific research to determine the amount of information a student is capable of learning based on their age and level of cognitive development. We make these our educational standards. Our standards are further researched with MD’s and PhD’s to determine what lessons must be taught each day of our (200) day education year to meet our standards. Our daily alignment of lessons is our scope and sequence. The scope and sequence is used to write each daily, subject area, lesson plans to be taught. This process is relatively normal to this point.
Every level of CastMaster Education is a building block upon which all additional information is built. We go much further than any previous conceptualization of educational philosophy to Teaching for Transformation which is a more in-depth understanding of the human mind and how information is acquired, attained, stored, used and restored for further use and manipulation. From the very first lesson in Kindergarten to the very last lesson in Grade 12, the student is building a grove of knowledge in which each root, trunk, branch, limb and, leaf not only compete for additional growth, but challenge every other tree within the grove to grow to its maximum potential.
In Kindergarten through Grade 2, we focus almost exclusively on three core curricula and two of our +4 curricula: English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Fine Arts, and Technology. We focus on these subjects because they are the core of the basic building blocks of knowledge. We are building an expansive foundation upon which all of their remaining education must be built. We lay a deep and strong foundation developing the essential skills every learner needs to become a student.
In Grades 3 – 6 we expand to our full Core4+5 Curriculum when we add Science, Foreign Language and Home Management. In this stage of the educational process framing of the building begins to take shape upon the deep and solid foundation. We are continuing to use the concrete states of cognitive development to teach the facts of knowledge which will assist the student as they prepare to transition into the abstract state of cognitive development. We are building a strong foundation and frame for the student to use for the rest of their lives.
In Grades 7 – 12 we transition from the Concrete Cognitive Development State to the Abstract Cognitive Development State. We begin transitioning from learning facts to learning how to use those facts in different thoughtful ways. We transition to disciplined academic writing as well as developing logical and rational speaking skills. When our students graduate, they will be well read, logical thinkers prepared for their role as leaders in our society.
Our standards and our scope and sequence are developed to challenge the cognitive ability of the student to be able to attain their furthest maximum potential possible at every level in their education. We have developed a proprietary matrix consisting of research data pertaining to cognitive development, cognitive ability, internal motivational styles, memory recall styles, external factors, technological factors, physiological factors, brain development, and fMRI Aided Brain Mapping for Memory Storage and Usage.
The Chickamauga Nation's CastMaster Education System is a paperless educational system providing exclusive digital content accessed over the Internet. Any student anywhere in the world, at any time of the day, any day of the week, any day of the year will be able to access The Chickamauga Nation's CastMaster Education System as long as they have access to the Internet. Whether using a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a handheld device any student will be able to access their lessons and work from anywhere they choose. Whether at home, on vacation, at the grandparents, or in their bedroom at night, education can happen anywhere. Parents will have full access in real time so they can monitor their student whether in the next room, at work, on a business trip, or on vacation.
The Chickamauga Nation’s CastMaster Education System
English Language Arts
Social Studies
CORE 4+5 Courses & Apprenticeship
Business Management
Fine Arts
Foreign Language
Home Management
Graduation Levels
College Preparation Plus+
- Students Seeking Graduate and Post Graduate Studies
College Preparation
- Students Seeking Higher Education Studies
Graduation Level
- General Graduation Degree
- General Graduation Degree with Apprenticeship
- Professional Trades
- Office and Clerical
- Hospitality
- Medical
Attendance Level
- Graduation for students who have attempted to complete our high school level work
Adaptive Applications for Different Tribes or Countries
The Chickamauga Nation's CastMaster Education System exceeds the Standards set by each state. We can take that one step further and customize curriculum for any Tribe or Country as an Add-In for any subject and any grade level. The Chickamauga Nation has an Add-In in History to teach the history, culture, and religion of the Chickamauga as well as an Add-In in Foreign Language to teach the traditional language of the Chickamauga. If a Tribe or country wishes to have an add-In for their specific use, it will take between 30 and 72 months and have a set cost. The more work done by the Tribe or Country, the less overall cost.
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.