Our true history has been stolen from us in hatred, we will restore it in Love of the Truth as told by a thousand tongues
It is in HATE and MALICE that anyone would call us Chickamauga cherokee. No race of people will take the name of those who commit genocide and ethnic cleansing against them. No family of the victims of mass murder will take on the name of the murder as their own. Nor do the Chickamauga take on the name of the Cherokee or Chickasaw because these two tribes helped the United States Military and Militias commit genocide and ethnic cleansing against us in the past and do so in the present. We are Tiscamogie, We are Chickamauga, We are The Chickamauga Nation, we are not Chickamauga cherokee. The cherokee are NOT OF US. We are a different ethnicity than those people. Our history on this continent is historically recorded in the archaeological record as beginning in the Late Woodland era and extending through the Mississippian, Muskogean, Mobillian, Contact, and Modern eras.
First and foremost, we must thank the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs for demanding the National Executive Chiefs of the Chickamauga Nation have their history, archaeology, and anthropology academically verified during a July 18, 2019 meeting. While there are currently about 600,000 pages of academically verified research available, the research and academic verification continues daily to not only prove our existence but do show the cowardice and HATE of those who committed and continue to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing against The Chickamauga Nation.
Chickamauga history is written in the Mississippi River Bottoms as the Mound Culture. Our history is written in the Southeast Ceremonial Cult. Our history is written in the lands traditionally known as the Southeast Woodlands. Our hunting grounds extended as far north as Southern Ohio, Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois, and Western Virginia. Our eastern hunting grounds extended along the ridge of the Appalachians from Western Virginia, to the ridge of the Appalachians in Georgia and Alabama. Our southern hunting grounds extended from about modern Atlanta, Georgia, westward to just north of Birmingham, Alabama, then northward following the Tennessee River into Tennessee and inclusive of Tennessee and Kentucky on the East Side of the Mississippi. West of the Mississippi the Mound culture is traced in the Arkansas River Valley as far west as Central Oklahoma.
The Tiscamogie, Choctaw, Creek, Natchez, and other Southeast Woodlands tribes are part of a Vast Civilization inclusive of the Mounds in Cahokia, Spiro, Etowa, Emerald, Pinson, Florence, Town Creek, Hopewell, Angel, Toltec, and dozens of others. The Indigenous people of Southeast Woodlands are not Indians, they are Indigenous sharing a distinct cultural, religious, and historic background making them all cousins.