Why Did the TVA Give Chote to the Cherokee in 2016 and Not the Creek or Just Keep It?
In 1788 I wrote to General Andrew Pickens and clearly stated that the lands of Chote were abandoned by us "Cherokee," and left for the Whites and Creek to fight over. Yes, I know Notoly is a lower town village inhabited by Tiscamogee (Chickamauga) in Georgia, I lived there. When have actual facts ever made a difference to historians or anthropologists who make up all kinds of stuff about us like we are cherokee. Is this because they are not read men because they have called us everything under the sun except for red men. Maybe because I am a little pale these days but I digress.
As the author of this letter to my friend Andrew, I am sure when I said abandoned this means we abandoned the land called Chote and no longer laid claim to it. I wrote this in English so you could understand.
But, out of "White Guilt" the Tennessee state legislature "White Gifted" the lands that had no Cherokee has claimed since I wrote this letter. Just asking for a friend, "Why did they give it to the the Eastern Band of Cherokee of North Carolina, and not the Chickamauga from the lower town of Notoly?" I may have much more to say about this in the future. I will have plenty of time since I seem to be here longer than I anticipated because people cannot read English or comprehend it like I did when I wrote it.

I am now sending you a Talk concerning my Elder Brothers of Chota, They have left their Towns, six Towns have come over here for peace where it is light and clear. The beloved men at Seneca. -
They have brought their Traders with them, the greatest thing we desire is peace - I am glad to see the beloved Men of their Traders here; I hope they may live in peace; They left their Towns that the Creeks and the White men may fight it out themselves, as I suppose they both love fighting; as for my part my Study is to take care of all the White People -
I am the Prince of Notoly
5th June 1788
To: Andrew Pickens - Militia leader in the Revolutionary War, including the Battle of Cowpens. Member of the House of Representatives from South Carolina. Indian Commissioner, negotiated a treaty with the Creeks and Cherokees.

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"Look! The Prince of Notoly's Ghost! Just kidding"
"Man point to waters covering up genocide and ethnic cleansing"
"Hey Kids, Look at what the Doctrine of Discovery looks like!"
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.