Our History is extensively recorded in the National Registry in its various National Archives. The tough thing to do is learn the difference between the Mississippian, Muscogean, Mobillian era Southeast Woodland Mound Builders who are part of the Southeast Ceremonial Religious Cult and the Lake Huron and Lake Erie people who later became known as "cherokee" who illegally invaded our homelands and sold it and traded it to other illegal immigrant invaders known as colonists and Americans.
When reading our history from original documents and manuscripts it becomes evident that we were falsely identified as "cherokee" because we spoke the "Iroquoian Trade Language" known as cherokee. The United States never identified us as Spanish, French, or English even though we spoke those languagesl.
Learning to read about our history is daunting if you trust the Whitewashed and Redwashed histories purported today as fact. Most of what is considered as Chickamauga history which is on the internet is not based in fact. It is told from a propagandistic perspective of either the cherokee, who committed genocide against our people at the bequest of the Untied States and her colonies, or from the United States who paid for the genocide against the Chickamauga. Learning to set aside propaganda and actually doing first person research, is difficult, but it is well worth the effort.
It has taken me more than four years of daily document research of over 8 - 10 hours a day to finally be able to determine what is fake history, archaeology, and anthropology and what is actual history, archaeology, and anthropology based on using the scientific method to cross reference each item compared to and against the purported history, archaeology, and anthropology.
We can now take an event, find other supporting histories or archaeologies tied to the event and cross reference them all and determine the validity of the purported histories and archaeologies. An example is archaeological carbon dating used to determine the timeline of the Mound Building Culture and Southeast Ceremonial Cult in the Southeast Woodlands. There is a consistency in carbon dating of between 600 and 800 CE (AD for those of us over 30). Then there are outlier carbon dates which show 2000 - 1200 BCE (BC). Since there are over 80 studies and 2 of the studies have outliers (outside of the statistically significant range) then we do not use those for our purposes of dating ourselves. We do know that the Mound building culture and religion do have carbon dates to 2000 BCE outside of the Southeast Woodlands, for our purposes, we only use dating in the Southeast Woodlands as our guideline for dating.
Another example is De Soto's Spanish Contact of Indigenous people in the 1500s. One tribe claims it is them who De Soto encountered. It is not historically and archaeologically possible while anthropologists promote it is absolute fact. The historical proof is in the church records of the Jesuit Pries as recorded in the Jesuit Relations that this particular people were not in the Southeast prior to the 1670s. Other histories also document the same time-frame for their being in the Lake Huron and Lake Erie area in the 1500s and not being in the Southeast prior to the late 1670s or early 1680s not their claimed, "time in memorial." The carbon dating of their pottery and long houses specifically date them to (+ or -) 20 years of 1700 in the Southeast Woodlands. We can now use the scientific method to evaluate the actual history. First, we take the "myth and legend" of their contact with De Soto and compare it to the recorded histories, archaeologies, and anthropologies concerning their Contact with the Spaniard. The historical record specifically denies the possibility, the archaeological record specifically denies the possibility, while the anthropology states the event as factual. The scientific method requires us cross reference each item and determine if it lines up with the other items or if it is an outlier or opposite of each other. If an item has opposite "facts" then referencing back to the scientific (carbon dating) and historical record is required. In this particular case, the philosophical anthropology is outweighed by the history and carbon dating thus the historical record and the archaeological record must be concluded to be the factual and the anthropological must be concluded to be inaccurate or false.
When we work with our history, we use the Joe Friday method, "Just the facts." We do not rely on myths, legends, fairy tails, and wannabe stories, we take original, first person documentation, verify it with the scientific method, and present it with the documentation.