Meanwhile, Back in Arkansas - Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
The Chickamauga spoke the Cherokee Trade Language as early as 1650s according to the Colonial Records of South Carolina because the British Colony called the Lower Town Chickamauga, "Lower Town Cherokee." Historically, the Chickamauga are not ethnically nor culturally affiliated with the Canadian, "du Chat Nation" who are today called the Cherokee.
Reality Check. The Chickamauga were in Arkansas, not the Cherokee. Only Lower Town Chickamauga go to Arkansas prior to 1819 because it was a violation of the Laws of the Cherokee Nation for anyone to cross the Mississippi River and remain a Cherokee. There were no Arkansas Cherokee, only Chickamauga. There were no Western Cherokee, only Chickamauga. There were no Old Settler Cherokee, only Chickamauga. There were no Immigrant Cherokee, only Chickamauga.
Why did the government always have to change the name of the Chickamauga to "Cherokee" since they knew it was not accurate?
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program identifies the Chickamauga as being in Arkansas as early as the 1780s until they depart for Indian Territory in 1828. Even this publication, The Promised Land, uses the correct identification early on and then immediately refers to the derogatory term, Cherokee.
Make no mistake, the United States government recognizes the Chickamauga and their Treaties with the United States, all 22 Treaties signed by the Chickamauga are recognized in Statute Code.
Arkansas Legislators and Governor, expect a phone call or two from The Chickamauga Nation.
Also, do not forget to RSVP to your invitations to the 2024 Gathering of The Chickamauga Nation.
2024 will be the 340th anniversary of the first Treaty signed by the Lower Town Chickamauga with the British Colony of South Carolina. This year, The Chickamauga Nation will have a National Gathering to celebrate 340 years of Treat signing with England, France, Spain, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the British Colonies of the New World, and the United States.
We will Gather Together with Foreign, National, Federal, State, County, and Local Dignitaries to celebrate 340 Years of treaty signing. This Historical Event will feature a Two (2) hour Celebration of Pageantry and Recognition as we honor Dignitaries from Foreign Countries with whom we have existing Treaties, United States National and Federal Dignitaries with whom we have existing Treaties, State and Local Dignitaries from states where we lived and had Treaties, and where we currently live and are hosting our Gathering. After the Celebration, we are hosting a Luncheon with the Dignitaries where our people will get to thank our guests for their continued support of our people.
In addition, we will also travel to local historical locations of Chickamauga History and Culture, Exhibits, Clan Family Meeting, Cultural and Historical Education classes, as well as various opportunities to meet long lost family from all over the United States and the world.
Invitations to over 350 Foreign, National, Federal, State, County, and Local Dignitaries have been sent and every one of our Citizens has received an invitation. Now, The Chickamauga Nation will Gather Together in 2024 and STAND.
This document proves the state of Arkansas recognizes the Chickamauga as being a vital part of Arkansas history from the late 1700s and early part of the 1800s. We welcome the opportunity to meet with the State of Arkansas to discuss State Recognition of The Chickamauga Nation.

Arkansas Legislators and Governor, expect a phone call or two from The Chickamauga Nation. Also, so not forget to RSVP to your invitations to the 2024 Gathering of The Chickamauga Nation.
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.