How To Contravene the Expressed Will and Plenary Power of Congress in Open Defiance of Federal Statutes
1. Ignore Congress
2. Get a "flunky" to sign something which is illegal.
3. Pretend everything is legitimate
4. Keep repeating the phrase, "sovereign"
5. Trust Congress is Ignorant
In episode 10 of Season 8 of Osiyo TV, Ross Swimmer admits to how simple it is to Contravene the Express Will and Plenary Power of Congress and Openly defy Federal Statutes. You just do it. Find a "flunky" in a powerful position and get them to sign a piece of paper.

Federal Statute Ends the Cherokee Nation two different times. First, when they requested to be terminated in 1902 and then by the Curtis Act in 1906.

First, how did they hold an election if they do not exist? Second, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Bureau of Indian Affairs did not have the authority to sign their constitution in Contravention of the Express Will of Congress.

(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.