How Civilisation Has Brainwashed Us All
The etymological root of the word Civilization is derived from the Latin word civilis, which means civil. Other related Latin words are civis, meaning citizen, and civitas, meaning city.
Cities (at least here on Earth, at present day) are the phenomenon that involves an instance where so many humans and artificial human structures gather in one place, that the massive community is no longer able to produce enough food and raw material to sustain it's continued existence (necessitating massive areas of land being deforested, pillaged and mined elsewhere so that those raw materials can be shipped to the city and keep it functioning and growing). They may have diverse food types for sale, but cities are cesspools of superficiality, digital hyperstimulation and violent crime (no-one knows anyone else, so psychopaths can hide a lot easier in the crowd).
Since these unsustainable forms of hyper-concentrated human habitation necessitate taking (or purchasing, though historically it is mostly just taking) resources from far away lands and peoples, this pattern of human habitation requires taxation (government 'sanctified theft') in order to fund the extraction of materials that are required to keep the city functioning. One of the means that are required for the extraction of said resources involves the use of soldiers (as many people living in the far away rural communities will not want a giant mine, oil well, pipeline and toxic waste dump built in their backyard). Thus, cities actually instigate the process of making armies, initiating wars of aggression (under the guise of "bringing democracy to Iraq" or some other nonsense propaganda, in order to steal resources).
Modern cities are like melanoma for the living Earth.
It is time to stop solving for the wrong variable.