Not to the United States and Allied Tribes. As “Descendants of Survivors of Genocide – Victims of Continued Ethnic Cleansing” we know all too well the commitment the United States and Allied Tribes has made to our health and well being.
Do Chickamauga Lives Matter? Really? Why are Chickamauga denied federal access to services for Native Americans, apparently, we were supposed to submit to genocide and ethnic cleansing and just die and be gone from this planet so our lives do not matter. Why are the Chickamauga not on the list of Indian Entities Recognized by and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs? Why are the Chickamauga denied federal services, are we not signers of 16+ treaties with the United States? Are we not holders of Trust Lands? Are we not recognized by Presidents Washington and Jefferson? Are we not recognized by Congress in determining whether or not to go to war with us, pay us annuities, and budget for our protection and annihilation? Are we not indigenous on this continent dating back to at least 600 – 800 A.D. according to anthropological studies? Are we not under the same government we have had since before the White man set foot on our continent?
Do Chickamauga Lives Matter? Not according to the Doctrine of Discovery that was promulgated by France, Spain, and England to take our lands and humanity. Not when America allowed it’s illegal immigrant squatters to invade our lands and we punished them according to the treaties we signed with England and the United States, then the United States and Allied Tribes "reigned" genocide down upon us. Not when the Congress of the United States refuses to discuss with our Chiefs the placing of our nation on the list of Indian Entities Recognized by and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs. Not when our people are denied the basic human rights guaranteed to us through treaty because we prepaid for those rights with our lands and lives.
Do Chickamauga Lives Matter? Only to Chickamauga!
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.