Calling the Citizens of The Chickamauga Nation to Prepare Yourselves for the Ghost Dance
We are dancing the Ghost Dance to honor our Ancestors, to honor those who were victims of Genocide, our Martyrs.
We are preparing our hearts and minds to honor our Ancestors, those who fought daily to give us the life we have today.
Charlie, a Chickamauga Leader, was taken captive by the government and then given to the Cherokee who murdered him for calling us back to our traditional ways of life. Today, "Unto These Hills," is a public drama presented in North Carolina which celebrates the Murdering of Charlie.
Charlie was not the first Chickamauga to be a victim of Genocide, nor is he the last. We will honor him and our traditional ways of life handed down to our people for millennia as we dance the Ghost Dance.
We will be posting more information on our traditional outfits, male and female, our traditional ways and culture, and our how and where to dance the Ghost Dance. Since we are spread out over 36 different states, we will be hosting events across the country so our Citizens can participate together and in their own communities.
We are Chickamauga, We Will Dance the Ghost Dance, We will Stand.