Much like the Eugenicists and Nazis did from last century?
It all goes back to the Doctrine of Discovery. If you are not lily white and Christian, then you are inferior, can be enslaved, have your property taken from you and killed because you are less than human and have no mental capacity to become Christian.
From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Tool for systematically identifying skin color, used as part of eugenics studies conducted in Nazi-controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945. It was designed in 1905 by Austro-Hungarian Anthropologist, Dr. Felix von Luschan, for use in the field to classify the relative “whiteness” of “mixed-race” people according to the color of their skin. Many supporters linked eugenics to race, and believed that “race mixing,” modern medicine, keeping the “unfit” alive to reproduce, and costly welfare programs hindered natural selection and would lead to the biological “degeneration” of society. These ideas and practices began to inform government policy, and were absorbed into the ideology and platform of the newly formed Nazi Party during the 1920s. Following Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in January 1933, a politically extreme, antisemitic variation of eugenics shaped Nazi policies and permeated German society and institutions. These policies touted the “Nordic race” as its eugenic ideal, and made efforts to exclude anyone deemed hereditarily “less valuable” or “racially foreign,” including Jews, “Slavs, Roma (gypsies), and blacks.” Racial hygiene studies assigned individuals to state-defined races, ranked from “superior” to “inferior,” based on family genealogies, anthropometric measurements, and intelligence tests. Many German physicians and scientists, who had supported racial hygiene ideas before 1933, embraced the Nazi emphasis on biology and heredity, in order to take advantage of new career opportunities and additional funding for research. Others that opposed the Nazi ideologies regarding racial hygiene often found themselves removed from posts, forced out of the field, driven to emigrate, or imprisoned in concentration camps.

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