The Chickamauga Chiefs, Dragging Canoe, Little Owl, Badger, Turtle At Home are all intimately involved getting this Confederacy up and running in 1776. Afterward, when the United States refused to treat the Indian Tribes as equals, the Confederacy began dealing with other Nations and Tribes.
The Confederacy still exists of which the Chickamauga are included.
At Council held at Wakitunikee May 18th 1785.
By the Chiefs of the Shawnise, Mingoes, Dellawares, & Cherokee’s.
Present –
James Shirlock
Four other Americans
Capn Wolf, a Mingoe spoke, say’d some time ago he and sevl Others had gone a hunting, found the white People settling in many Parts of their Country, That he thought by what he had heard from Mr Shirlock that they had no right, nor were encourag’d by their Forefathers, and that the Speeches deliverd to him by the sd Mr Shirlock, as well as by Genl Clark were, that if the People who were encroaching upon us got hurt, there wou’d be no Notice taken of it, as they wou’d bring it upon themselves, that now whilst he was out he had met some of those People (Virginians) and took one of them Prisoner to answer to his Chief, & now delivers him to them, to examine & hear what he had to say.
Deliver’d John Crawford to the Chiefs
Capn Johnny a Shawenise Chief spoke on Behalf of the three first mention’d Nations likewise for all the Nations in that Country. Brethern Virginians – You know
know the other day we were fighting. You desird us to be quiet we are so, You requested us to observe the Councils of our Forefathers and act according to their Customs.
We People of one Colour are united so that we make but one Man, that has but one Heart & one Mind.
You know Brethern Virginians you kindled a Council Fire at Ft Stanwix, the Six Nations led us by the Hand to it, but we heard nothing there that was good from you. Afterwards you kindled another at Beaver Creek, there two Men spoke we cou’d hear nothing good from you. You told us that all the Country was yours You have kindled two Council Fires at the first you know how you have treated our Brethern the Six Nations Seiz’d & detain’d them Prisoners, you have now behav’d in the same manner at Fort McIntosh, presently you will kindle another Council Fire, but if you do it any Place near us, we will not go to it nor listen to you, but if you kindle it at Detroit where our Forefathers did, then we will think you are for some Good, there our Brethern who stand at our Backs will hear you. But we see yr Intention, you are drawing close to us, & so near our Bedsides, that we can almost hear the Noise of your Axes, felling our Trees & settling our Country.
According to the Lines settled by our Forefathers, the Boundary is the Ohio River, but you are coming upon the Ground given to us by the Great Spirit We wish you to be strong & keep yr People on that side the River. We have no Objections to carry on Trade with your Traders, provided they do not attempt to settle in our Country, but it is now clear to us your Design is to take our Country from us. We remind you that you will find all the People of our Colour in this Island strong, unanimous, & determined to act as one Man in Defence of it, therefore be strong and keep your People within Bounds, or we shall take up a Rod & whip them back to your Side of the Ohio. It is now incumbent on you to restrain yr People & listen to us, Otherwise the Consequence of what may happen hereafter will be your Fault.
You are always calling to us for your Flesh & Blood, no Doubt you are fond of them, We have them by the Hand to deliver to you, if you listen to us. on the Contrary if you do not, you will never see them at any other time. What we three Nations say to you, are the Sentiments of the Six Nations & that of those to the Setting of the Sun
What we have said we are determin’d to do without the Council or Advice of our Father, who formerly assisted us when requisite.
We have call’d in Simon Girty that our Words shou’d be fully explain’d to you, before him.
This foolish young man who was taken in our Country, encroaching upon us, we deliver to you, that he may return home & prevent Others doing what he has done, his
Companions were sent back when taken.
Detroit 31st May 1785
Charles McCormick
Comy & Clerk In Do
A Council held at Wakitunikee
May 18th 1785
Recd 2d July

When Original Documents are not Myths, Legends, Fairy Tales, and Bold-Faced Lies!
(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.