Each Item typically identifies a letter or correspondence between individuals and is recorded within the Territorial Papers to provide an understanding of the timeframe within the context of the territory. The entirety of the Item will be presented in this context to present the actual contect of the item and prohibit some from decrying "Proof Texting" of the item.
To have a better understanding of the word cherokee as it is used in this document, refer back to the article, The Chickamauga are NOT cherokee, We are Tiscamogie.
EDITORIAL: The Chickamauga had been in Arkansas since the mid 1780s and were welcomed by the Spanish to be a buffer between Spain and the Osage. The Spanish even paid the Chickamauga to war against the Osage to drive them out of Missouri and western Arkansas.
EDITORIAL: The last highlight is not accurate in that in 1809 Thomas Jefferson told the Chickamauga to go to Arkansas and "recon" a place where there were no other Indians and they would have that land. He encouraged them to go north of the Arkansas River, but never forbid it and numerous Cheifs took their people south of the Arkansas River.