North Carolina General Assembly
April 14, 1778 - May 02, 1778
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That for the future no Person shall presume to enter or survey any Lands within the Indian Hunting Grounds, or without the Limits of the Land heretofore ceded by the Indians, or conquered from them, which Limits Westward are hereby declared to be as follows, that is to say, Beginning at a Point in the dividing Line which hath been agreed upon between the Cherokees and Colony of Virginia, where the Line between that Commonwealth and this State (hereafter to be extended) shall cross or intersect the same; running thence a right Line to the North Bank of the Holston River, at the Mouth of Cloud's Creek, being the second Creek below the Warrior's Ford, at the Mouth of Carter's Valley; thence a right Line, to the highest Point of a Mountain called the High Rock, or Chimney Top; from thence a right Line to the Mouth of Camp Creek, otherwise called McNames's Creek, on the South Bank of Nollechuckie River, about Ten Miles (be the same more or less) below the Mouth of Great Limestone; and from the Mouth of Camp Creek aforesaid, a South East Course, to the Top of the Ridge of the Mountain called the Great Iron Mountain, being the same which divides the Hunting Grounds of the Overhill Cherokees from the Hunting Grounds of the Middle Settlements, and from the Top of the said Ridge of the Iron Mountain a South Course, to the dividing Ridge between the Waters of French Broad River and the Waters of Nollechuckie River; thence a South Westerly Course along the said Ridge, to the great Ridge of the Appellachian Mountains which divide the Eastern and Western Waters; thence with the said dividing Ridge, to the Line that divides the State of South Carolina from this State: And that all Entries and Surveys of Land heretofore made, or which hereafter may be made within the said Indian Boundaries, are hereby declared to be utterly void